“You might end up being a pet in some alien zoo. who knows?”
— Joi Ito
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The Life Cycle isn't a podcast about making a computer game.

It's a podcast about making the future.

Coming soon to…

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Listen to the Teaser with Joi Ito, Director of MIT’s Media Lab, on his thoughts about cryogenics & life extension:

“Why do we believe that life can continue to exist on a silicon basis? So far, all life which is known is carbon based. This is one of the necessary prerequisites for us to be part of a simulated world but we do not know any life form which exists on a silicon base.”
— Prof. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner

About The Life Cycle

The Life Cycle is a podcast series dreamt up by Klang Games, conceived as an excuse to procrastinate the development of the studio’s simulation MMO, Seed, a game about human survival and exoplanet settlement.

After bountiful tipsy conversations about the future of humanity, space travel, transhumanism and what have you, we thought it was best to find out more about these ideas by asking some of the world's top experts for their thoughts, and to record them while we were at it.

As of the start of 2019 we have already conducted a wide range of interviews in Berlin, Boston, Atlanta, LA and New York and Dublin, with more travel in the pipeline. Season One is set to be broadcast later in 2019 and will touch on topics including Simulation Theory, genetics, brain emulation and much, much more. Stay tuned.